Trump’s Veep contender faces backlash over dog and goat killing confession


NEW DELHI: Kristi Noem, a potential candidate for Donald Trump’s running mate, sparked outrage when she admitted to the deaths of a family dog and a goat.

In her forthcoming memoir, Kristi Noem, who is currently the governor of South Dakota, disclosed that she killed an “untrainable” dog named Cricket on her family’s farm.

She described the 14-month-old dog as exhibiting behavior akin to a “trained assassin” and deemed it “dangerous to anyone she came in contact with.”

In her memoir, portions of which were initially shared by The Guardian on Friday, Noem further conveyed her strong dislike towards the dog, citing its interference with a hunt and its attacks on chickens owned by a local family.

“I realised I had to put her down,” she penned, explaining that she retrieved her firearm and subsequently guided Cricket to a gravel pit.

Noem also said that her family possessed a male goat described as “nasty and mean” due to not being castrated.

The goat emitted a “disgusting, musky, rancid” odor and delighted in chasing Noem’s children, often knocking them down and spoiling their clothes.


She said that she opted to euthanize the goat in the same manner as she had done with her dog.

Responding to the excerpts, the Democratic Party under Joe Biden’s leadership labeled them “horrifying” and “disturbing,” attempting to leverage the incident in a 2024 election context. “If you prefer elected officials who refrain from boasting about the brutal killing of their pets as a part of their self-promotional endeavors, then heed our call – and cast your vote for Democrat candidates,” the Democratic National Committee stated, echoing the sentiments of dog owners.

PETA slams Kristi Noem
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) condemned Kristi Noem’s choice to euthanize the dog, asserting that she lacks an understanding of essential political principles, such as compassion and education.

Colleen O’Brien, senior director at PETA, remarked, “Most Americans cherish their dogs, and we anticipate that they will view Gov. Noem as extremely misguided for allowing this lively puppy to harm chickens and then opting to end her life rather than seeking training or locating a more suitable caregiver who could offer her a proper environment.”

“In an official statement, she commented, ‘Noem evidently lacks comprehension of crucial political principles such as education, cooperation, compromise, and compassion.'”

Kristi Noem, however, stood up to defend herself against the criticisms surrounding her narrative of euthanizing her dog.

“We love animals, but tough decisions like this happen all the time on a farm. Sadly, we just had to put down 3 horses a few weeks ago that had been in our family for 25 years,” she wrote on her X (formerly Twitter) account.

Her book, titled “No Going Back: The Truth on What’s Wrong with Politics and How We Move America Forward,” is set to be published in the US on May 7. Reports suggest that she is among the candidates being considered by Donald Trump for his vice presidential running mate.

Trump is set for a general election rematch with Democratic President Joe Biden on November 5.


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